Meet the Owner Insta~@Maizhiauknow Photographer~ @ccmedia

Hey everyone its Maizhia AKA (Jai) here ! I just want to start off by saying, how much of an honor it is to experience my dreams become a reality. Cinjai the brand itself is very family-oriented and that's the key piece of the FOUNDATION. What started off as just jokes and what ifs between me and Cinsere (little brother AKA Cin) slowly became realistic. In 2020 during the very beginning of the Pandemic, I was sent home from college due to the shutdown. The isolation forced me to self-reflect, find my purpose and chase the true desires in my heart. Once my supporting team saw me turn ideas into drawings, then into designs and finally a sample they were intrigued. A few investments later and now we're here so enjoy the Website built by yours truly!!